Saturday, February 27, 2016

Baby B&E Time

Yesterday was a scary morning for sure. My wife went outside to keep the dogs from bothering the gas company workers relocating our meter, and locked herself out of the house, with the baby in her crib.

I was at school an hour away from home when this happened:

Thankfully the gas company had a big oaf on that day who could break the door, so mom and baby weren't separated long.

I got home to find the door jamb still undeniably busted, with the door knob's locking mechanism still engaged, as it presumably had been ever since before I left for work. The gas men, having relocated the meter as they were sent out to do, had long since gone home for the day. I wasn't about to wait around and see if "the guy" planned on making good of his promise to fix the door; I didn't expect him to, and I didn't have his contact information, so...

As of last night: it's fixed! Complete with a set of Kwikset doorknobs with smart key technology. Most importantly,  you actually have to unlock them before you can leave the house, then lock them intentionally to get locked out

 So hopefully this will be our last lockout at this place.

As for Lizzy:

She approves!

We'll vacuum up the debris and touch up the paint, and be good to go!

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